
24K gold contains 99% pure gold, 22K contains 91.7%, 18K contains 75.1%, 14K contains 58.5% and 12K contains 50% pure gold. The K value represents the purity of gold, which refers to the vividness of its color. The vividness of a color is determined by the purity of the single wavelength of light emitted by the color. Colors with single wavelength light characteristics that our eyes can perceive have a certain degree of vividness. Different hues not only have different brightness, but also different purity. For example, red is the hue with the highest purity in pigments, while blue-green is the hue with the lowest purity. Most colors we see are unsaturated, which means they contain grey tones. The richness of colors is created by variations in purity. Even a slight change in the purity of the same hue can alter its character.

Each carat (written as "k") of gold contains 4.166% pure gold. K gold is a type of gold alloy made by mixing gold with silver and copper in specific proportions, with 24K being the purest form of gold. Generally, the higher the percentage of silver in K gold, the greener the color, while a higher copper percentage gives a reddish-purple color. K value is a rough approximation of the percentage of gold in the alloy and is often represented by even numbers, such as 24K, 22K, 20K, and 18K. 18K gold means that 18 parts of gold are mixed with 6 parts of other metals (usually silver and copper), resulting in a gold content of about 75%. The calculation formula for the gold content is K value divided by 24 multiplied by 100%, which is equivalent to K value multiplied by 4.1667%.

24K gold is considered pure gold and is often represented as "1000‰", but its actual gold content is 99.99%, or 23.988K, according to the national standard GB11887-89.






