1. Inertia thinking, accustomed to buying more and not selling short. In the silver futures market, both long and short trades can be profitable, but investors in the stock market are accustomed to long market conditions. However, in the silver futures market, both long and short trades are opportunities for speculators as long as there is price volatility, and for hedgers, the greatest value of silver futures is the preservation function in bear market. If you cannot accept short trades in your thinking, you will miss many trading opportunities.
2. Securities trading has a long holding habit. Silver futures margins will change, especially cannot be fully traded. It is important to leave enough margins when investing in silver futures or commodity futures. Unlike the securities market, futures contracts have holding periods, and regardless of profit or loss, the contract will be delivered or offset at expiration. Holding a losing position may result in forced liquidation or piercing.
3. Regularly trading at full position. Investors should make reasonable use of silver futures trading simulation software, be familiar with the operating procedures and futures investment trading process. In securities trading, all-in trading is adopted, and losses cannot exceed the principal. However, in silver futures trading, due to the leverage effect caused by the margin system of futures, profit and loss are magnified by 10 times. Once there is a relatively large fluctuation, investors may become pierced and forced to liquidate, so investors must fully understand the calculation of futures profit and loss before participating in silver futures.
4. Neglecting to open or close positions, causing unnecessary transactions. Although the trading market and futures companies hope that investors will take simulated trading seriously from the exchange to the futures company, because it is virtual capital, many investors cannot take it seriously. Buying and then selling is different. In the silver futures market, there are buy and sell positions, and there are also sell and buy positions. If investors do not pay attention to selecting the new opening and closing positions in the trading software, they may form a reverse trading position, which is called locking position.
1. 惯性思维,习惯只看涨不看跌。在白银期货市场,做多和做空均是获取利润的方式,但股票市场的投资者往往只熟悉看涨的市况。如果不能接受做空,可能会失去很多交易机会。
2. 证券交易习惯长期持有,但白银期货保证金会有所变动,且无法满额交易。因此,投资白银期货或其他商品期货时,需保证有足够的保证金。与证券市场不同,期货合约有持有期限,到期时需进行交割或平仓。若持有亏损单,可能被强制平仓。
3. 经常以满仓交易。投资者应该合理运用白银期货模拟交易软件,熟悉操作流程和投资步骤。在证券交易中,采取全额交易,亏损不会超出本金,但白银期货交易采用保证金制度,损益会被放大10倍。一旦出现较大波动,投资者可能被强制平仓,因此在参与白银期货交易前必须充分了解期货损益计算。
4. 忽视开平仓造成不必要的交易。虽然交易所和期货公司希望投资者认真对待模拟交易,但由于是虚拟资金,很多投资者可能没有十分认真地操作。白银期货市场存在买开卖平、卖开买平的交易形式,如果投资者没有在交易软件中注意选择新开和平仓,可能会造成所谓的反向交易持仓,也就是锁仓。